Closet Series I

Closet Series II

Still Life Series

Dessert Series


Frank F. Weisberg was born July 21,1942 in Louisville, Kentucky. He graduated from Indiana University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. He was Chairman of the Board of Prudential Parks & Weisberg Realtors until 2008 when he sold the company.

Weisberg said, “I was always a good doodler. When I turned 40 in 1982, I said to myself—I’m really getting old—and now is the time to start doing some of the things I always wanted to do but never took the time.” He started looking for a drawing class but could not find one at the time. A friend recommended an oil painting class, he took it and is still painting.

Weisberg studied oil painting under John Michael Carter from 1982 through 1985 and further studied oil painting with The Schrodt Art Studio from 1984 through the present. Mary Louise Schrodt, his mentor, passed away in 2001 and Weisberg continues to paint at The Schrodt Art Studio with Schrodt’s daughter, Judy Warren, who is now proprietor of the studio.

Weisberg has won various awards from: The Woman’s Club of Louisville Annual Art Show including various ribbons and two “Best of Show” awards; The Schrodt Art Studio Annual Art Show, various awards and ribbons including the “First Place” award; and awards from the Floyd County Art Museum.

Weisberg has had One Man Shows at: The J. B. Speed Art Museum’s Café Muse, The Floyd County Art Museum, Actors Theatre of Louisville, The Bank One Gallery, Louisville Visual Art Association, The Huff Gallery at Spaulding University, The Patio Gallery, The Pegasus Gallery at Louisville International Airport and the Artisan Center in Corydon Indiana.

Many of Weisberg’s paintings are publicly displayed. The Kentucky Center for the Arts displays one of Weisberg’s canvases in the famed Mary Anderson room and four other works in their executive offices. Two of his canvasses are displayed at the Louisville Fund for The Arts corporate headquarters building; two paintings at Jewish Hospital’s Rudd Heart & Lung Building- -one in the Conference Center and one in the Executive Offices; the Greater Louisville Association of Realtors Headquarters; the Jewish Family and Career Services Building and The W. L. Lyons Brown Theatre in their Board Room.

He served on The Board of Directors of the Louisville Visual Art Association from 1992 through 2010 and was elected president in 1995 and was re-elected president each year for five years. He currently serves on the Board of Governors of the Speed Art Museum and previously on the Board of Trustees. He was a long-time board member of the Jewish Hospital Board of Directors and also served on The University of Louisville Foundation Board of Directors.


Closet Series I



Closet Series II

Still Life Series

Dessert Series

Quilted Vest Hang Up Series

Rain Coat  Hang Up Series


Motorcycle Hang Up Series


Trompe L'oeil Series


The Colonel By Warhol Series


Weisberg By Warhol Series



Frank F. Weisberg can be commissioned to paint:

  • A Still Life portrait (similar to this painting) of some of your most cherished possessions.
  • A portrait of an article of clothing, a lab coat, a uniform, or your favorite jacket, purse, etc. (like Closet Series I)
  • A portrait done on prepared wood in the Trompe L’oeil style, (like Closet Series II), of your favorite article of clothing.

For more information, please email, [email protected]
